HeartStudio Classes

Scroll Down for information on:
  • Open HeartStudios with an individual focus 
  • Group HeartStudios for trainings and special occassions
  • Za Creativ' Spa heartstudios starting January 3 2013

Open HeartStudios

Ready to get started? Need space to get in the groove? Open HeartStudios are curriculum-free class-time for individualized attention where you need it on an ongoing basis.  Hot tea and music augment your studio time supported by Pic Michel.  Call 513-549-4607 or email

Currently accepting 1 new Open HeartStudio artist in the following slots

Friday Morning Open HeartStudio
2 hours of studio time for your projectswith support and feedback. $40/ 11am-1pm 

Private Sessions for adults and children available as schedule permits.


4 or more can establish a Special HeartStudio as a one-time event or toward a particular focus such as a church project, corporate team-building, family time, showers etc.. Call 513-549-4607 or email for more information.

Za Creativ’ Spa! Get Ze Experience!

Get fit on the creative plane and get ready to soak up andrelax down every Wednesday or Thursday evening starting January 3 in Studio209!

Registration discount now through December 10:
6 sessions, just $150 (that's $25/2-hour session) plus some materials

Wednesday night class is a drawing-centered experience with a focus on shadow, light, form and depth in expressive, representational and abstract styles using pencils and dry-to-wet media combined with additional art forms that are easily accessible at home and in-the-moment.

Thursday nights are centered in color and painting experiences, with a focus on blending, layering, expressive and abstract experiences with watercolor and acrylics combined with alternate art forms and media.

Easy Registration! 

Read Reclaiming Your Creative Power article on page 10 of the Whole Living Journal

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